Pat Pavetto, Coordinator ( ) 901-755-8255

Contemplative Outreach of West Tennessee was begun in 2001 as a Chapter of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., which was founded in 1984 by Fr. Thomas Keating as an ecumenical network of faith communities committed to the process and transmission of Christian transformation. Centering Prayer is the method by which this process is initiated and sustained.

Centering Prayer is a method designed to facilitate the development of contemplative prayer by consenting to God's presence and action within. It is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer; it simply puts other kinds of prayer into a new and fuller perspective. During the time of prayer we seek to be open to God's presence and action within and at other times our attention moves outward to discover God's presence everywhere.

Prayer Groups

Centering Prayer Groups in West Tennessee

Contemplative Outreach of West Tennessee is the local group which seeks to communicate this vision and is represented by:

MEMPHIS (times are noted in Central Time)

Church of the Holy Communion 
  1st Saturday of each month, 9:15-11:15 am
  Facilitator: Eileen Olewinski 
  Tel: 901-832-7953 
Church of the Holy Spirit
  Wednesdays, 7 pm
  Facilitator: Pat Pavetto 
  Tel: 901-230-1341 
  Fridays, 2 pm
  Facilitator: Therese Gustaitis 
  Tel: 901-289-1297 

Note: Due to COVID, meetings will take place on zoom. To join a meeting, email the facilitator above and they will give the credentials needed to join the meeting.

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10